Marriage Made in Heaven (redux)

The Holy Family. I’m talking about none other than the Virgin named Mary, Joseph her husband and the Child called Christ. And I guess the second important lesson the Holy Family affords us (the first lesson in A ‘God’ Thing) is this: Marriage is between a man and a man or a woman and a […]

A “God” Thing (redux)

The Holy Family. I’m talking about none other than the Virgin named Mary, Joseph her husband and the Child called Christ. And I guess the first important lesson the Holy Family affords us is this: Be careful. That thing you’re being critical of just might be a “God” thing. And when you really think about […]

More November Snow

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When We Lose Ourselves (Identity Theft)

I had a dream the other night. I didn’t remember it until I went out jogging later in the morning. That’s when God brought it back to me. I was in the house of a former friend from my school days. I was young (like I was back then). And the thing that happened is […]

November Snow

Happy Birthday @aheartforgod (2 years)

It’s my two year birthday on Twitter. (Sorry, I couldn’t fit another candle on the cake.) I started “tweeting” two years ago this very day in 2008 ~ though I had no clue what “tweeting” meant at the time. (You didn’t either when you first started.) Now I’ve done it (tweeted) more than 3o,ooo times. […]

Let There Be Nothing Left – Today

“And [Jesus] answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’” (Luke 10:27) I want to talk about leaving it all on the field ~ leaving it all on the field today. […]

The Unseen Hand

We just don’t realize how much God protects us. (I know I don’t.) We had a drug bust take place in our neighborhood recently. I wrote about it in: “SWAT Operation (and the stupid thing I did).” From the same house (where 6 were arrested and 25 lbs. of marijuana was seized) a truck started […]

Releasing Your Story

Stories. We all have one. It starts with our parents and a bouncing baby (boy or girl). Then there’s the first tooth. The first step. The first car. The first kiss. And everything in between – and everything beyond – there are the good days – and then there are the not so good days. […]

November Sunrise

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