7 Points on Spiritual Warfare (plus 3 bonus points)

“Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep.” (2 Corinthians 11:24-25) If you’ve been a believer in Jesus Christ for very long, you’ve come under the attack […]

October Glory (in November)

(click pictures to enlarge)

7 things you probably didn’t know about Pastor Mike (but always wanted to)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about social media, it’s this: There are so many people that I’d like to know more about their backgrounds, but a Facebook page and 140 characters on Twitter just doesn’t allow for it. With this in mind I’m writing today. And after the example of some others (especially on […]

A Rhinestone in Heaven

I was a “baby” Christian and I was learning how to hear God’s voice. I was part of a street ministry team. We would go to different parts of the city (Fremont, California) on Friday nights to share our faith and to speak with people. We befriended a “drunk” (I don’t care about being politically […]

Applause Addiction

“And [the devil] led [Christ] to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, ‘If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here; [the crowd will love it.]’” (Luke 4:9 with my paraphrase) There’s a certain euphoria that comes from applause. (I know. I’ve experienced […]

Message From God (When You’re Doubting His Love)

Sometimes we question God’s love. (It happens.) The circumstances of life, the burdens, they have a way of weighing us down and causing us to wonder whether God is really for us. (It’s true.) I was in Bible school and I wondered if God cared. I wondered if He was even around. (And I was […]

The Pride / Hypocrisy Quiz (Are You For Real?)

Hypocrisy. Webster’s defines it as “a feigning (pretending) to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially: the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion.” This very kind of pretense was rampant among the religious elite in Jesus’ day. It’s why they couldn’t stand Him (and ultimately had […]

Sometimes you just need to worship because… (10 reasons)

This post (and the list below) is really born out of a heavy heart. I won’t explain the heaviness other than to say that heaviness can sometimes last for a long time. In steps “worship.” We can’t see the forest for the trees sometimes. Especially during hardship. (Has it ever happened to you?) Worship lifts […]

Standing In The Evil Day

Christ’s disciples abandoned Him. At the height of His need they ran for the hills. They left Him alone. They turned their backs. They walked away. All except one. John. He was there in the courtyard to hear the false witnesses. (John 18:15) He was at the foot of the cross to receive Christ’s mother […]

Rainbow in the Sierra