Easter Song (2nd Chapter of Acts)

Proof of Reliable Witnesses

There was a knock at the door and my dad opened it only to find two police officers there. And as it wasn’t an uncommon thing for this type of visit to the Campagna home, it would be this time. You see, my brother – he’d be the one who’d often get in trouble in […]

Daffodils in Sonora

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Spin Zone – Part 2

With Jesus standing before him, Pilate asked the question, “What is truth?” And it was because Pilate lived in a day much like our own, I’m convinced, where we just don’t know what to believe anymore since it isn’t always the case that we can trust what we’re being told. Right? We literally live in […]

Daughter’s Painting

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Spin Zone – Part 1

Many years ago Pilate asked Jesus the question, “What is truth?” And Pilate asked that question, I’m convinced, because he lived in a day much like our own – where we just don’t know what to believe anymore. Do you ever find yourself feeling like that? And as everything that happens and everything that’s talked […]

Messiah Complex

Nice guy. Perfect family. Cares for others. Attends church. Good speaker, too. Quality characteristics. We all would agree. Except when they’re combined with (spell it): P-R-I-D-E ~ Pride. Evil seldom presents itself without a cloak. (If it did, who would buy into it?) I’m talking about the “Messiah complex” in particular. The above 5 characteristics […]

Why I’m Using Four Letter Words in Church

(This is a continuation of a thinking process started in the posts: “Why I’m Wearing Pajamas to Church” and “Why I’m Showing Up Late for Church.”) There’s a movement towards the “casual” in our day. We’re casual in our speech. We’re casual in our showing up for events and appointments. We’re casual in our clothing, […]

When God’s Gift Becomes An Idol

When we think of the story of God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19), I wonder if we don’t forget there was another most significant individual who was involved and very much a part of the experience and what was taking place. I’m talking about the woman, Sarah, Abraham’s wife and Isaac’s mother. The […]

Discerning False Prophets (in 30 seconds)

Have a vision & start your own religion. But is it of God? Pastor Mike talks about how to distinguish a false prophet versus a faithful one.