Theresa in the Snow

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The “Luck” of Barabbas (Part 1)

Barabbas. Do you remember him? He was the guy when Jesus was before Pilate who was offering for someone to be let go – it was Barabbas who got to go. (Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:18-25; John 18:39-40) You talk about “luck.” That’s what many in our society would call it. While as believers […]

What’s Up With All These Earthquakes?

A 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010. And now a quake 1000 times stronger than that has hit the South American country of Chile (February 27, 2010). (The Drudge Report headline was: “Massive.”) Preliminary measurements set this earthquake at 8.8 in magnitude. It ranks as one of the greatest quakes ever recorded. […]

What You Are in Private You Are in Public

There’s a false thinking that exists in our culture. It’s the thinking that says what a person does in his private life has nothing to do with his public life. (It’s interesting to note that many who ascribe to this thinking rationalize their own degeneracy and have even been caught in it.) The fact is […]

Discerning False Teachers (in 30 seconds)

Pastor Mike talks about the difference between a faithful teacher and a false one. Do you know how to tell?

The Only Hope for a Tiger is a Lion

I listened to Tiger Woods’ apology for his adulteries (as some of you might have). He said he was sorry for hurting his wife. He said he was sorry for hurting his mother. He said he was sorry for hurting his fans. He said he was in rehab. He said he would never do it […]

Discerning False Shepherds (in 30 seconds)

Pastor Mike talks about how it really does matter who your spiritual leader is. Are they faithful or false?

7 of the Shortest Verses in the Bible

(CLICK HERE to get your FREE pack of 7 social media graphics to share on Facebook, Instagram and beyond! Courtesy of Pastor Mike.) The Bible is a book like no other. God is its author. He breathed on “holy men of old” and it came to be. (2 Peter 1:20-21) It is 66 books. It […]

Testimony of a Video Blogger

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) I have a confession to make. I’m not an alcoholic. I’m not addicted to drugs. But I am a computer geek. (There. I said it. I feel a […]

The Lord Cometh (instrumental)

Pastor Mike shares his original instrumental about the return of Christ. Lord come!