Will I Go Up? (tweet)

(click picture to enlarge) “For the Lord (Jesus) Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet […]

Top 10 Excuses For Not Going To Church (tweetcast)

This was a quick list I put together off the top of my head on a Sunday recently before church. The way it looked as I tweeted it on Twitter is below ~ including the hashtags. Hashtags are a way of bookmarking on Twitter (in case you didn’t know). And so if you wanted to […]

What Separates Christianity? (tweet)

(click picture to enlarge)

Would Jesus Tweet? (The Gospel of Innovation)

“’Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.’” (Isaiah 42:9) God is always innovating. The simplest (yet profoundest) example is He changes whole groups of people every generation. He’s into “new.” He’s into “fresh.” He’s into “creativity.” (Would you come to […]

15 Social Media Mistakes You Might Make

This is a real quick post off the cuff. (Try it some time. Set a timer to 15 minutes and go for it. It’s another style of writing similar to extemporaneous preaching which is just taking a topic and talking about it off the top of your head whatever comes.) If there’s anything I’ve learned […]

5 Blogging, 5 Twitter and 5 Facebook Tips (for believers)

BLOGGING 1. What’s your passion? (Marriage/family, end times/prophecy, Christian living, etc) That’s what you need to write about. Sprinkle in your own life stories highlighting what God’s done. 2. If you wait for perfection, you will never publish. (Nobody’s perfect.) 3. Recycle blog posts via other technologies. Turn it into a video blog, too? Or […]

Pre-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath Rapture?

There was another bungling of the subject of Rapture recently. (To read: “Is May 21,2011 the Day?,” click here.) If anything, at least it brought the whole idea of Jesus’ returning to catch His church away to the forefront again. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) (You should see my 12-year old daughter how into it she is […]

Into the Batcave (Movie Maker)

This is now a second post where I’m giving you a sneak peak behind the scenes of how I do things. (For more on the Batman reference and to read “Into the Batcave-Part 1,” click here.) It’s the Windows Movie Maker I’m wanting to give you a look at. And I especially thought it might […]

F-a-c-e-b-o-o-k (an approach to sharing the love of God)

I’ve been invited by my church to help establish their social media presence. I said, “Who me? What do I know?” 😛 Not really. Actually, they had no idea what I had going online with a blog and Twitter following and friend page on Facebook (along with a number of other outpost sites). What I […]

Into the Batcave (Hootsuite Dashboard)

If you were around for the “Batman TV series” (I’m dating myself) starring Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) and others, you’ll remember how they would use special sleeping spray on whomever it might be so that they could not see the entrance to the Batcave as they were going in or out. I’m […]