Join the Men of Christmas Bible Study and Chat on Facebook: click here. Starts December 6.
A Guy Who Held the Baby Jesus in His Arms (Men of Christmas Redux)
(This was the third in a series of blog posts written for the Men of Christmas online Bible Study where we considered three men who played key roles in the story of Christmas.) SIMEON The third of the men of Christmas that we are looking at is Simeon. He is the man that God promises […]
The Guy Who Waited to Have Sex (Men of Christmas Redux)
(This was the second in a series of blog posts written for the Men of Christmas online Bible Study where we considered three men who played key roles in the story of Christmas.) JOSEPH The second of the men of Christmas that we are looking at is Joseph. He is the husband of Mary and […]
A Simple, Plain, Ordinary, Every Day Guy (Men of Christmas Redux)
(This was the first in a series of blog posts written for the Men of Christmas online Bible Study where we considered three men who played key roles in the story of Christmas.) ZACHARIAS The first of the men of Christmas that we are looking at is Zacharias. He is the husband of Elizabeth who […]
Simeon (Men of Christmas 3)
This is the third in a series of blog posts in the Men of Christmas online Bible study where we are considering three men who play key roles in the story of Christmas. These blog posts are meant as an introduction and supplement to the main chat that takes place on Twitter on consecutive Monday […]
Joseph (Men of Christmas 2)
This is the second in a series of blog posts in the Men of Christmas online Bible study where we are considering three men who play key roles in the story of Christmas. These blog posts are meant as an introduction and supplement to the main chat that takes place on Twitter on consecutive Monday […]
Zacharias (Men of Christmas 1)
This is the first in a series of blog posts in the Men of Christmas online Bible study where we are considering three men who play key roles in the story of Christmas. These blog posts are meant as an introduction and supplement to the main chat that takes place on Twitter on consecutive Monday […]
Bible Study Sign Ups
Pastor Mike’s passion is technology and teaching God’s Word. Click the link above to find out about his latest online Bible studies and then sign up to join. He would love to have you! (Men of Christmas online Bible study & chat comes to Twitter, December 2, 9 & 16.)