Wheaton College Unveils New Wording For Martyred Missionaries’ Plague; ‘Savage Indians’ Removed: So Now It’s Okay That They Murdered Missionaries

Southern Baptist Convention Theologian Angers Some With Call For Matthew 18 Discipline For Churches That Promote ‘Wokeness’

SBC theologian angers some with call for Matthew 18 discipline for churches that promote ‘wokeness’ A Southern Baptist…Posted by A Heart For God Ministries on Thursday, October 15, 2020

Evangelical Seminary Condemns BLM Movement, ‘Wokeness’ Ideology

Evangelical seminary condemns Black Lives Matter movement, 'wokeness' ideology The nondenominational Southern…Posted by A Heart For God Ministries on Monday, August 24, 2020

10th Fruit of the Spirit Has Been Ratified: Wokeness

(Social Justice via rikkis_revenge)