5 Signs You Might Be Spending Too Much Time with Social Media

(Disclaimer: I have no understanding as regards the topic I’m writing about?)

Oh sure, I’m in charge of a ministry blog, a couple of Twitter sites (@aheartforgod and @aheart4god) and a Facebook page (click here) (not counting my work).

And, of course, I don’t have to hardly do anything and readers, followers and friends just automatically appear like magic~thousands and thousands of them.

Doesn’t it work that way for you?

All kidding aside, if you want to enjoy the many benefits of social media it necessarily requires a reasonable investment of time and energy, thought and engagement. Right?

And like anything else, if you’re not careful you can begin spending too much time and energy, thought and engagement with social media. (Naaawww?)

It’s our natural tendency as humans.

And so where’s the point that enough’s enough and by passing it you’re going overboard? How does a person determine that he/she maybe needs to take a break, step back and “smell the roses”?

Well, to help you consider your own life and whether or not you’re out of balance in this area, here are…

5 signs you might be spending too much time with social media: (what would you add?)

Sign #1: You’re up at 3 a.m. pacific time usa for an early start on #followfriday and to see how many shout outs/mentions you’re getting. (You really couldn’t sleep. At least that’s what you tell your wife.)

Sign #2: You’re wondering if it was something you said and that’s why people unfollowed/unfriended you. (Are “unfollow” and “unfriend” words?)

Sign #3: For some unknown reason your twitter account got suspended and you feel like a close acquaintance or loved one just died.

Sign #4: Reading timelines and/or tweeting have made you late for an appointment (dinner, work, doctor, etc.) more than once.

Sign #5: It’s 3 a.m. again (well going on 4:00 now) and you’re finishing a post on spending too much time with social media.

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. I love it ! I’m guilty on all 5 counts. Biting humor is soooo funny.

  2. same here @worldprayr. teeheee, cutting back!


    p.s. (good post, and i appreciate the self-advertising at the beginning, lol!) sweet sleep!! (*looks around*)


  3. Not guilty of any of these. Yes, I use social networking as a tool to reach out, but my investment of time is fairly evened out. I make sure everything I do is for God. Thanks for this post. I really love what you are doing here. God is really using you.

  4. lol’s 🙂


  5. LOL. This is a fantastic post.

    “Sign #2: You’re wondering if it was something you said and that’s why people unfollowed/unfriended you.” Guilty as charged. I have since turned off Qwitter because it makes me a little sad to see people go.

    If you guys are looking to free up some of the time spent in social media, I would suggest implementing some free tools that will help you manage it all.

    Hootsuite and Converse (http://bit.ly/smconverse) are two great tools that allow you to do more with your time in social media.

    Hootsuite allows you to see all your accounts in one easy to see dashboard and Converse allows you to schedule out social media messages to be sent out are later times (so you don’t actually have to be there to post at certain times)

    Just my 2cents

    Keep up the funny posts =)