Help For When Your Ship’s (Life’s) Falling Apart

“[T]hey used supporting cables in undergirding the ship.” (Acts 27:17a)

It happens to all of us. We experience situations in life that try our souls/squeeze us to the very depth of our beings. It could be a job loss or cancer or the sudden death of a loved one or friend – you name it – and one day we’re just sailing through life with calm seas below and blue skies above while the next day the winds are blowing, the waves are crashing and we’re taking on water/sinking. So what do you do? The same thing the crew did in the Bible verse above.

Their ship was in the middle of a hurricane. (Acts 27:14) And so they took cables and wrapped them around the ship to hold it together. The New Living Translation puts it: “[T]he sailors bound ropes around the hull of the ship to strengthen it.” The Amplified Version has: “[T]hey used supports with ropes to undergird and brace.” The King James is actually best: “[T]hey used helps, undergirding the ship.” That word “helps” is an interesting word. In the Greek it’s boetheia defined as “aid; specifically a rope or a chain frapping a vessel” which we find it’s literal use in Acts 27:17. But there’s a spiritual use/application as well. For that same word “helps” (boetheia) is used in another place. (Which it just excites me when I think about it.) In Hebrews 4:16 it reads: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help (boetheia) in time of need.” (KJV) And so there it is again. And this time in the context of prayer. Did you miss it? (Read the verse again.) It’s our answer!

And when our own ship’s (life’s!) in the middle of a hurricane and about to fall apart, we can call out to God and He’ll wrap “help/helps” (Himself!) around us and we’ll hold together. We will! And ultimately we’ll be brought to a safe shore. (Acts 27:44) It always works that way with Jesus. Always.

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. Thanks for all you do, Mike. It is always very helpful! 😀

  2. Thanks Mike, Your a Godsend.