Eyes On Jesus (An Ode)

When you’re waking up in the morning, eyes on Jesus. When you’re getting dressed, eyes on Jesus.

When you’re eating breakfast, eyes on Jesus. When you’re heading out the door, eyes on Jesus.

When you’re driving in traffic, eyes on Jesus. When you’re at the office (or school), eyes on Jesus.

When everything you’re touching turns to gold, eyes on Jesus. (Selah) When you’re receiving the applause and praise of men and they think you’re really something for the great things you can do and your wonderful abilities (and you’re really nothing), eyes on Jesus.

When you’re distressed, discouraged, downcast, depressed, eyes on Jesus. When you’re misunderstood, rejected, mocked, humiliated, eyes on Jesus. (Pause to reflect)

When you’re lonely with no one to talk to, eyes on Jesus. When you just can’t go on another day, eyes on Jesus. (He is with you!)

When you’re breathing your final breath, eyes on Jesus. And when you’re waking up in the next life, where are your eyes? On Jesus. \o/ (1 John 3:2)

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. Thank you for the encouragement. “Eyes on Jesus” is the mantra I need, we all need, for we are a forgetful people. Blessings & peace to you, in Jesus!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. “Eyes on Jesus” is the mantra I need, we all need, for we are a forgetful people. Blessings & peace to you, in Jesus!

  3. Love it man. It was really a cool way to get the word out… I need to remember that I am a new man born again through the justification of Jesus Christ.

  4. Jennifer B Carter says

    Praise be to God !