Behold, He Is Coming With The Clouds
March 5, 2019 by
Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen. (Revelation 1:7) #Jesus #Tworship #RealTworship pic.twitter.com/sjlWeRbviP — aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) March 6, 2019 (Sky Cross via maxpixel)
Humans to download their SOULS onto microchips so they can ‘live FOREVER’
January 21, 2019 by
(Download Progress via pixabay)
Whoever Feeds On My Flesh and Drinks My Blood Has Eternal Life
August 4, 2018 by
(Last Supper via wikipedia)
How to Tell If You’re in a Cult (in 30 seconds)
August 18, 2011 by
(If you can’t see this video, click here.)
I Was in the Room When She Died
August 7, 2011 by
The voice on the phone said, “She’s dying.” I was out the door. The family was there. We had been through this before. There were tears. There were prayers. There were hugs, smiles at memories. The room got quiet. The breaths became less and less. (Was she still even breathing?) The doctor was clear, “Anytime […]
Eyes On Jesus (An Ode)
December 29, 2010 by
When you’re waking up in the morning, eyes on Jesus. When you’re getting dressed, eyes on Jesus. When you’re eating breakfast, eyes on Jesus. When you’re heading out the door, eyes on Jesus. When you’re driving in traffic, eyes on Jesus. When you’re at the office (or school), eyes on Jesus. When everything you’re touching […]
When Death Calls
September 30, 2010 by
I’d just talked to her at church the day before. She was the last one to leave and she told me of a song on her heart. So when the phone rang and the caller said, “She’s dead,” I hung up in disbelief. “Huh? It can’t be true.” I ran out the door and drove […]