When Death Calls

I’d just talked to her at church the day before. She was the last one to leave and she told me of a song on her heart. So when the phone rang and the caller said, “She’s dead,” I hung up in disbelief. “Huh? It can’t be true.” I ran out the door and drove […]

Sins Of A Sexual Kind

“‘But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’” (Matthew 5:28) Ted Haggard. Tiger Woods. Bishop Eddie Long. All three have something in common. (Long’s situation is still coming to light as of this writing.) Sex sins. Whether you’re […]

So You Want To Start a Bible Study, Do You?

So you want to start a Bible study? (Maybe?) And let’s just say ~ with a focus on men in particular. (Sorry ladies. Check out @LifeVerse for that.) Men are a tough nut to crack (and they’re “nutty,” too!). They are suspicious. (I am.) They don’t like being manipulated. (It happens.) They can sniff out […]

21 Twitter Tips from Pastor Mike

Many moons ago (in a faraway land~not), my adventure with Twitter began. Honestly, I had no idea what a wonderful experience lie ahead. Tens of thousands of tweets and replies later, I guess the best way to sum it up is I am a better Christian man. (I love Jesus even more.) I have met […]

So You Want To Start a Bible Study, Do You?

So you want to start a Bible study? (Maybe?) And let’s just say ~ with a focus on men in particular. (Sorry ladies. Check out @LifeVerse for that.) Men are a tough nut to crack (and they’re “nutty,” too!). They are suspicious. (I am.) They don’t like being manipulated. (It happens.) They can sniff out […]

Help For When Your Ship’s (Life’s) Falling Apart

“[T]hey used supporting cables in undergirding the ship.” (Acts 27:17a) It happens to all of us. We experience situations in life that try our souls/squeeze us to the very depth of our beings. It could be a job loss or cancer or the sudden death of a loved one or friend – you name it […]

On Burning, the Koran and Pastors Who Lose Their Way

“And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in the sight of everyone; and they counted up the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver (1 million dollars).” (Acts 19:19) Islam is a false religion. It leads people away from faith in the living […]


I was applying for a job that required a print out of my driving record. That’s when I got nervous. You see, I hadn’t been enjoying the best of driving careers (to put it mildly). Yes, I’d been pulled over for speeding. Yes, I’d gotten in a few accidents (well, maybe more than a few). […]

Paid in Full

“It is finished!” (John 19:30) It was with those three words that Jesus Christ declared mankind’s redemption accomplished. There’s nothing more that can be added. There’s nothing more that need be done. Our sins are forgiven (if we believe). Our eternal destiny is secure (we are headed to heaven when this life is through). And […]

Chewed Up and Spit Out (A Rant)

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. Of course, what do I know? My sphere of influence and group of contacts is very small. I know that. And I also know it’s so easy to make overall generalizations that may or may not true. Nevertheless, I think there’s something here. The disturbing trend I’m referring to is […]