12 Cose la storia di Natale dice di Dio

Wow. Natale è qui. E ‘un momento speciale per noi ~ la famiglia Campagna che vivono qui in Sonora, in California. Scommetto che è per voi e la vostra e nella vostra città, troppo. E stavo pensando e riconsiderare la storia del Natale una volta di più (come è così importante da fare). Naturalmente, si […]

No Idea What’s Ahead

My grandfather died 14 years ago next Friday. Yes, that’s right. It was on a Christmas day in 1995 that “Gramps” died. And it was 4 years ago on December 25th, 2005, that I first preached the message: “Lessons from the Holy Family,” that this 4-part blog post series is based upon. (Read Part 1: […]


うわー。これはクリスマスの25日、再び起こっている。私たちにとっては、このような特別な時間〜カンパーニャの家族はここソノラ州、カリフォルニア州に住んでいます。私はあなたとあなたとあなたの町では、あまりにもだと思うわ。そして、私は約一度、クリスマスの物語を見直し(そうそう)に重要なの考えていた。もちろん、天使の聖母マリア、男ジョセフ彼女(ただし、彼女は”子供を”発見された)と結婚するという、夜メアリーは、旅館には部屋訪問についてや赤ちゃんは授乳の谷に横たわって出産をしたの/ キリストは、主だった飼い葉おけ。クリスマスの話を、すべてこの問題についてです。そしてそれは別の事については、あまりにもだ。ああ、これは文字通り、多くの言葉で聖書にはそれ自体が、スペルアウトすることができないクリスマスの話も、神ご自身についてです。ですよね?それは、神ご自身 – 彼の文字は、Personおよび計画についてです。私は、次のリストにまとめるために最善を試みた。場合に同意するを参照して… 12ものクリスマスの話を、神についての意見:(何を追加するのでしょうか?) 彼は興味を持って 彼は関与している 彼はことができます 彼の近くです 彼は入手可能です 彼は異例のことだ 彼は素晴らしいです 彼は忠実だ 彼は謙虚な 彼は、人間 彼はイエスです 彼にアクセス可能です

12 Things the Christmas Story Says About God

Wow. It’s going on Christmas again. It’s such a special time for us ~ the Campagna family living here in Sonora, California. I’ll bet it is for you and yours and in your town, too. And I was thinking about and reconsidering the story of Christmas once more (as it’s so important to do). Of […]

12 cosas que El cuento de Navidad dice acerca de Dios

Wow. Va en la Navidad de nuevo. Es un momento especial para nosotros ~ Campagna la familia que viven aquí en Sonora, California. Apuesto a que es para usted y los suyos y en su ciudad, también. Y yo estaba pensando y reconsiderar la historia de la Navidad, una vez más (como es tan importante […]

The Least Likely Place

This is now the third post in a Christmas series entitled: “Lessons from the Holy Family.” (You can read the first and second posts here: A “God” Thing or Marriage Made in Heaven.) And the third lesson from the holy family (Mary, Joseph and Jesus) is this (it’s actually very similar to Lesson #1 in […]

Marriage Made in Heaven

This is now the second post in a series entitled: “Lessons from the Holy Family.” (Read the first post by clicking here: A “God” Thing.) And the second lesson we learn from the holy family (Mary, Joseph and Jesus) is this: Marriage is between a man and a man or a woman and a woman […]

Test Your Knowledge of Christmas

Sing with me: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year. With the kids jingle belling, And everyone telling you, ‘Be of good cheer,’ It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” (Hey, you did that good!) And I just can’t help but sing, my friends. The Christmas spirit’s got a hold of me and […]

10 More Lies of the Devil

After forty days in the wilderness Satan tempted the Savior, “If You are God’s Son, tell this stone to become bread.” “Worship me and I will give you all the kingdoms of the world.” “Throw Yourself down from the temple’s height and the angels will catch You.” Each time Jesus recognized it was a liar […]

Shout with Joy (chorus)

Pastor Mike shares his worship chorus based on Psalm 126.