10 Wrong Thoughts About God

What do you think about God? I mean, what do you mostly ponder as thoughts concerning Him? I’d like to suggest that a whole lot of men and women’s thinking is not in line with who God really is. Truth be told, in many cases it is far, far from it. There a number of […]

The Truth Is Out There?

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32; NKJV) If there’s anything I’ve learned (and noticed) while serving the Lord is there is just a whole lot of mis-appropriation, application and interpretation of the Bible (God’s Word). Take for instance the above verse. How many of you have […]

8 Responses to Christ’s Call

There are many responses to the call of Christ. The Scripture presents us a number of examples. Jesus says, “Follow Me,” and some men and women… 1. Are unwilling to (Matthew 22:3)2. Pay no attention (Matthew 22:5a)3. Go their own way (Matthew 22:5b)4. Don’t realize the cost (Matthew 8:19-20)5. Prioritize family commitments (Matthew 8:21-22)6. Are […]

Chosen (A Dream Come True)

I was twelve going on thirteen. It was the night of the Little League draft. And all I can remember is how bad I wanted to get on the Padres baseball team. Anything less would just not do. Anything less would be a heartbreak. But I really didn’t have much of a chance (in my […]

God Rejoices Over Us

In one game in high school an all-star quarterback threw for 354 yards and four touchdowns. (Wow.) When he was able to talk to his father about it, his dad said, “And if you didn’t miss seeing that receiver wide open in the end zone you could have had a fifth touchdown.” The young man […]

Online Bible Study Starts Today

Online Bible Study Starts Monday

Top 10 Blog Posts from 2010 (Best of @aheartforgod)

I’ve grouped together some of my best blog posts (in my mind) from the past year below. They are framed in how they were tweeted on Twitter. You will learn a lot about me by reading each of these (if you don’t know me already). You will get a good idea of how I write […]

Eyes On Jesus (An Ode)

When you’re waking up in the morning, eyes on Jesus. When you’re getting dressed, eyes on Jesus. When you’re eating breakfast, eyes on Jesus. When you’re heading out the door, eyes on Jesus. When you’re driving in traffic, eyes on Jesus. When you’re at the office (or school), eyes on Jesus. When everything you’re touching […]

The “Why?” Question

Have you ever asked, “Why?” Of course, you have. I’m asking it now in my own life. I’m asking it about a certain particular area. (What’s yours?) “Why, Lord?” We ask it about ourselves. “Why, God?” We ask it on behalf of others. “Why?” (Pause) Why did it have to happen? Why didn’t it work […]