I’d just talked to her at church the day before. She was the last one to leave and she told me of a song on her heart. So when the phone rang and the caller said, “She’s dead,” I hung up in disbelief. “Huh? It can’t be true.” I ran out the door and drove […]
Sins Of A Sexual Kind
“‘But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’” (Matthew 5:28) Ted Haggard. Tiger Woods. Bishop Eddie Long. All three have something in common. (Long’s situation is still coming to light as of this writing.) Sex sins. Whether you’re […]
So You Want To Start a Bible Study, Do You?
So you want to start a Bible study? (Maybe?) And let’s just say ~ with a focus on men in particular. (Sorry ladies. Check out @LifeVerse for that.) Men are a tough nut to crack (and they’re “nutty,” too!). They are suspicious. (I am.) They don’t like being manipulated. (It happens.) They can sniff out […]
Donut for Breakfast
21 Twitter Tips from Pastor Mike
Many moons ago (in a faraway land~not), my adventure with Twitter began. Honestly, I had no idea what a wonderful experience lie ahead. Tens of thousands of tweets and replies later, I guess the best way to sum it up is I am a better Christian man. (I love Jesus even more.) I have met […]
So You Want To Start a Bible Study, Do You?
So you want to start a Bible study? (Maybe?) And let’s just say ~ with a focus on men in particular. (Sorry ladies. Check out @LifeVerse for that.) Men are a tough nut to crack (and they’re “nutty,” too!). They are suspicious. (I am.) They don’t like being manipulated. (It happens.) They can sniff out […]
Help For When Your Ship’s (Life’s) Falling Apart
“[T]hey used supporting cables in undergirding the ship.” (Acts 27:17a) It happens to all of us. We experience situations in life that try our souls/squeeze us to the very depth of our beings. It could be a job loss or cancer or the sudden death of a loved one or friend – you name it […]
On Burning, the Koran and Pastors Who Lose Their Way
“And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in the sight of everyone; and they counted up the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver (1 million dollars).” (Acts 19:19) Islam is a false religion. It leads people away from faith in the living […]
I was applying for a job that required a print out of my driving record. That’s when I got nervous. You see, I hadn’t been enjoying the best of driving careers (to put it mildly). Yes, I’d been pulled over for speeding. Yes, I’d gotten in a few accidents (well, maybe more than a few). […]