Overwhelmed by Depressing Voices

Journey to the Celestial City #38. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, continuing his treacherous trek through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Having passed by the mouth of Hell (with the help of his weapon: All-Prayer) he now is overwhelmed by “doleful voices.” Their […]

Passing By The Mouth of Hell

Journey to the Celestial City #37. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having entered into the Valley of the Shadow of Death, he cautiously ventures forward. And coming to the midst of the Valley, another terrible fright awaits him. For in the middle of the Valley […]

Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Journey to the Celestial City #36. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having turned a deaf ear to those who would have him go back, he proceeds into the Valley of the Shadow of Death. It is for a very good reason that it is thus […]

An Evil Report

Journey to the Celestial City #35. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having defeated Apollyon, he gives praise to God and receives a healing touch. He thus picks up his journey again. But as reality would have it’s say, another trial awaits the good man. Not […]

One Perfect Thrust

Journey to the Celestial City #34. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having been weakened by his adversary’s assault, Apollyon now moves to finish him off. A wrestling match ensues. Blows are thrown. Christian is felled and loses his sword. Apollyon presses in for the kill. […]

Weaker and Weaker Still

Journey to the Celestial City #33. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having encountered an adversary, Apollyon, he must withstand a initial verbal assault. Among other things the fiend fills the believer’s mind with are his past sins, how he’s even entertained turning back from the […]

Stopped by Apollyon

Journey to the Celestial City #32. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having entered in upon the Valley of Humiliation, he encounters a formidable foe. From across the field Apollyon appears to meet him having once been in charge of his soul. This enemy is hideous […]

Entering the Valley of Humiliation

Journey to the Celestial City #31. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, finally taking leave of the good ladies’ house. As he’s departing, Discretion and her sisters take care to accompany him to the bottom of the hill. There Christian is to enter a valley called […]

Instruments of God in the Hands of Men

Journey to the Celestial City #30. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, “on the morrow” with the ladies of the house in the study a second time. In this museum of sorts he is allowed to look upon ancient instruments of God whereby in the hands […]

From a Mighty Breed

Journey to the Celestial City #29. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, upon waking up from such a peaceful sleep, he is led by the ladies of the house to the study. For his own profit Christian is allowed to view the ancestry of the Lord […]