Miracle Boy

No one could tie a tighter knot if they tried. Except this wasn’t yarn, a string or a piece of rope. It was an umbilical cord. I remember glancing at it just moments after our son was born. The doctor was saying, “This just doesn’t happen. This is a miracle. This is a miracle boy.” […]

The Crazy Story of When I Gave My Cats Away

I was signed up to go to Bible school. The problem was I had to move out of my apartment, across town and give my two cats away. The first was named: “Pepper” (she was black) and the second was named: “Danielle” (after the book of Daniel in the Bible). I put an ad in […]

Marks of a Defective Faith – Part 1

I want to talk to you about faith in a two-part blog post series. You’ve probably purchased something that was defective before. To be defective means there’s a flaw with whatever it is you bought. Right? There’s something wrong with it to cause it not to function as it said it on the box it […]

One Man

One man. That’s what our salvation rests upon. You talk about pressure. You talk about a weight on your back. The actions, commitment, faith, obedience, sacrifice ~ love ~ every single, human being who ever lived ~ where they spend eternity rests upon this one man. There’s no one else. There’s no other person. There’s […]

One Last Try Away

That’s it. You’re throwing in the towel. (Or thinking about it?) You’ve had enough. You’ve done all you can do. You’re through. You’re fed up. You can’t do this any longer. You can’t go on. You’ve tried and tried and tried some more ~ and it just won’t work, budge, change. A relationship. A job […]


The following is a fictitious story. (Or is it?) I wasn’t called to someone’s deathbed. (You read it right: was not.) Here’s what I could/would have said if I was: “You have three choices. #1: Receive Christ and be healed (and go on living to proclaim His excellencies). #2: Receive Christ and be healed (and […]

From Bad to Worse (God is Rescuing Us?)

Moses meets God at the Burning Bush. (Exodus 3:1-10) He is then sent to Egypt to rescue the Israelites. In his first meeting with Pharaoh, Moses says, “Let the people go.” (Exodus 5:1) Pharoah’s response? “Okay, Moses. I will do it right now.” No, it isn’t. In reality Pharoah says, “Are you crazy? They’re my […]

Six Six Six

“You need wisdom to understand the number of the beast! But if you are smart enough, you can figure this out. Its number is six hundred sixty-six, and it stands for a person.” (Revelation 13:18; Contemporary English Version) Where did it ever happen that we thought we should be afraid of a number? I know […]

Christ Follower or Christian?

“‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.’” (Mark 8:34b) There’s a lot of talk about being a “Christ follower” these days. “I’m a Christ follower,” people say. (It used to be Christian.) I think with the change of jargon (not that I’m against […]
